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FREE & BARGAIN EBOOKS – {05-01-2021}

Spied by J.M. Miller

Spiedby J.M. Miller


Available through May 01 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Gia Keats works both sides of love’s dirty business. Some days are spent at Silhouette Bridal Boutique, helping brides prepare for their delusional walk to happily ever after. Other days she clocks hours for Duplicity, spying on cheaters and crushing their plans for future trysts. The two jobs are a solid reminder to ignore the dead thing inside her chest and to stay out of love’s sight. She never expected to get caught.

Love is also pretty far down on Mark Foster’s priority list. The closest thing he’s had to a relationship was two nights with a hottie tourist looking for an unforgettable vacation bang. But after he catches a gorgeous local spying on a public make-out session, his sour view of long-term turns a little sweet. He’ll even ignore the odd coincidences that follow her for a taste of the L word.

Falling for Mark’s charm would be easier than choosing a single item from a dessert menu, but Gia knows love’s never that simple.
When an anonymous Duplicity client hires her to target a Silhouette bride and groom, both sides of the business collide.
And Mark’s ties to the bride are the icing on the screwed up cake.

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance

Pretend To Be Mine  by C. Morgan

Pretend To Be Mine by C. Morgan


Available through May 02 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


I need someone to help me stick it to my ex.

A fake fiancée will do the trick, and this woman is gorgeous.

My ex-wife cheated on me and now is marrying the bastard.

And I have to attend the wedding for my daughter’s sake.

Well, I’m going armed with hotness. Nothing like pretending your life is together.

We might have pretended a little too well.

The crazy part? She’s not from the escort service that a buddy set me up with.

She owns the service.

And she’s pulling out all the stops. I’m not sure who’s more convinced about her affections, my ex or me.

Needless to say, she’s willing to pretend to be mine.

The only question is, can I keep her when it’s all over?

I plan to work like hell to make that happen.

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance

The Third Call by Lorhainne Eckhart

The Third Callby Lorhainne Eckhart


Available through May 03 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Romance and suspense collide in this pulse-pounding read!

When dispatcher Charlotte Roy passes along a call to bad-boy deputy Marcus O’Connell, they learn a six-year-old child is in danger. Can they save the girl from a desperate situation?

NY Times & USA Today bestselling author Lorhainne Eckhart brings you an emotional O’Connell family novel that is both “Gut-wrenching & Riveting.” When Deputy Marcus O’Connell is blindsided one night after a series of calls comes in from an unknown number, and the caller on the other end is a child. All he knows is she’s six years old, her name is Eva, and there’s someone in the house who wants to hurt her. “A new family series more suspenseful than the Friessens.” Karen L. Vine Voice

“This book masterfully interweaves several hot button topics and evokes feelings of anger, sympathy and even shock. A scared little girl and her calls for help are the catalyst to a situation that quickly spirals out of control and ends in tragedy.” Rebmay

“Deputy Marcus O’Connell has a sixth sense when it comes to crime, honed by a troubled childhood. So when a young girl calls, asking for help, he finds himself in a hostage situation of sorts with a disillusioned ex- military and a homeless single mother.” Honest Bookworm

“I truly love this author. She writes from the heart about the everyday things that actually happen in real life.” Caroline L.

Marcus is the ultimate bad boy turned deputy. He knows everything about how to get away with something, considering he was one of the middle of the six O’Connell siblings. He never had responsibility resting on his shoulders like his brother Owen, and he’s never been the center of attention like his little sister, Suzanne. Marcus knows how to find trouble and talk his way out of it.

Now, as the head deputy for the Livingston sheriff’s office, he knows everything about everybody, and no one can pull anything over on him. It’s why he’s such a damn good deputy. But even Marcus dreads what cops know as the third call.

When Marcus takes the call the first time, he thinks it’s a prank. The second time, he knows there’s a problem. The third time the call comes in and is patched through to him, he knows it’s something he can’t ignore. The only thing is, the girl is terrified and keeps hanging up, and Marcus knows someone is in the house with her.

Where are her parents, and who is this mysterious girl who needs his help?

Show Me More:Romantic Suspense

A Promise To Keep by Christina Tetreault

A Promise To Keepby Christina Tetreault


Available through May 01 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Following the deaths of her brother and then her parents, Kelsey Bancroft put her life and dreams on hold. Three years later, Kelsey is still struggling financially to hold on to the last links she has to her family. She doesn’t need or want any distractions, especially not any distractions named Drew McKenzie. At the age of ten, Kelsey fell in love and decided someday she’d marry Drew, her older brother’s best friend. Although Kelsey long ago abandoned the silly fantasy, Drew has always occupied a special place in her heart.

The day before Ian Bancroft lost his battle with cancer, star quarterback Drew McKenzie promised his best friend he’d look out for his younger sister. Until recently, he assumed his monthly phone calls to Kelsey were enough. Now that he knows differently, he’s moved back to North Salem, determined help Kelsey whether she wants his assistance or not. But just how far will Drew go to keep a promise to his best friend?

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance