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FREE & BARGAIN EBOOKS – {05-27-2021}

Throw Down (The King Brothers) by Teagan Kade

Throw Down (The King Brothers)by Teagan Kade


Available through May 27 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Scoring’s easy when you’re the king.

The Kings are the frat-party poster boys of Crestfall Academy, and Peyton King is top of the pile.
Quarterback, superstar, and O-bringer extraordinaire, I hate everything he represents.
I hate him.
But I can use him.
He’s going to make the perfect centerpiece for my newspaper exposé on campus parties.
I’ll get close to him, find out what makes him tick, and lay it out in black and white for the world to see.
If that kind of cutting journalism doesn’t get me out of this two-bit town, I don’t know what will.
It should be easy, so why do I become a giggling idiot at the sight of his mocha eyes and sculpted arms?
I’m, like, totally not obsessed, right?
There couldn’t possibly be an actual beating heart in that beautiful cold, rock slab of a body, could there?
But questions alone do not a quality story make.
I need to dive deep into Peyton King to make this work.
I need all his dirty little secrets before I blow his world apart.

Throw Down is a full length, standalone bad boy sports romance with a triple side of steamy. There’s no cheating, no cliffhangers and a super sweet five-year HEA. Do not miss it.

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance

Modern Girl's Guide to One-Night Stands by Gina Drayer

Modern Girl's Guide to One-Night Standsby Gina Drayer


Available through May 27 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


One night of passion.
After dumping her cheating fiancee, straight-laced Julia Hopkins decides to focus on herself for a change. A weekend getaway with a friend and one-night stand with a sexy stranger was exactly what she needed to kick off her new life. It was her chance to be someone else if only for a little while. But Julia’s wild night comes back to haunt her when she discovers the identity of her sexy stranger.

One night he’d remember.
Simon Shelton never forgot the passionate wild cat he’d met by chance, despite not even knowing her last name. She’d made quite the impression. So he was surprised when the quiet college professor his sister tried to set him up with turned out to be his Julia. Because of their past and the way she’d left without a word, Simon thought it would be best for everyone involved to steer clear of his sister’s friend. But keeping his hands off the irresistible redhead was easier said than done.

One-Night Stands is the follow-up to the Modern Girl’s Guide to Vacation Flings.

Show Me More:New Adult and College Romance

Wrong Bed, Right Roommate (Accidental Love Book 1) by Rebecca Brooks

Wrong Bed, Right Roommate (Accidental Love Book 1)by Rebecca Brooks


Available through May 27 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


It’s not every day you wake up to a stranger getting into your bed.
Only, he isn’t a stranger at all, he’s my best friend’s hot older brother…and apparently my new roommate.
Having him in my space, driving me crazy, isn’t a problem at all. Nope.
All I need to do is keep control of the situation…

But that’s easier said than done.
Shawn Lassiter is the kind of distraction I don’t need.
First he accidentally gets into my bed, half-naked, the night before my first day at my new job.
Hello, muscles and tattoos!
Then he’s there, in nothing but a towel, making me coffee in the morning.
It’s more than any girl can resist. Right?
But Shawn is off-limits, even if his eyes are saying differently.

Years ago, back when I still had my crush, he destroyed friendships with his reckless playboy antics.
There’s no way I’m touching those perfectly formed abs now. I don’t care how nice and responsible he’s acting.
I don’t want a boyfriend anyway. That’s what my trusty vibrator is for.
I’m the smart girl–the glasses-wearing, book-reading workaholic. I can totally do this.
After all, it’s only for two and a half months.
I’ll be on my best behavior…even if Shawn isn’t.

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance




Available through May 27 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Sylvie Jenkins has fallen on hard times. She’s lost her job, her apartment, and is down to her last can of peas! Desperate, she agrees to take a job with reclusive writer Connor Hudson at his isolated mountain retreat in upstate New York. Sylvie assumes he’s a poser, a writer wannabe. She has no idea he’s actually a bestselling author and billionaire entrepreneur. Mr. Hudson is a dour, dominant, and demanding boss. He issues orders and expects her to obey them, but Sylvie has a rebellious streak and gives him a hard time. She doesn’t like playing power games, especially not with him. She bristles at his condescending attitude toward women in general and her in particular. As far as she’s concerned Connor Hudson though male model handsome is a jackass. Connor can’t believe the cheek of this sassy little imp! He’s used to women fawning all over him, begging to do his bidding. But his wealth and position don’t impress or intimidate her. He finds her indifference toward him intriguing. He’s never known a woman who didn’t welcome his advances…until Sylvie. She ignores him, when she isn’t arguing, or cursing him under her breath. This alpha male decides his feisty assistant needs taming. And he’s just the man to do it. He’s determined to make her obedient, respectful, and submissive. Sylvie eventually succumbs to his charms and against her better judgement finds herself falling in love with Connor. But something’s wrong. He says he can’t love her. Not now! Not ever! He’s keeping secrets. The cops think he’s a serial killer. People who love him die…violently. Is he a cold-blooded killer? The cops think he’s a serial killer. His ex girlfriends keep turning up dead! Is this strict, sexy alpha male capable of murder?

Show Me More:Romantic Suspense

My Secret Love Affair by Ali Parker

My Secret Love Affairby Ali Parker


Available through May 27 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


A three-week affair and he was gone, leaving me with a gift. A baby.

This big handsome billionaire had no desire to play his family’s inheritance games.

So he traveled instead, running from his old life from country to country.

In the process, he picked up photography, falling in love with images of little ones and beautiful women. 

You can’t take the playboy out of a Bancroft. 

After several years of him being gone, I forgave him. 

He didn’t know about me and our baby. 

But fate has a way of throwing lovers back in the arena again when the first time ended like fireworks drenched in rain. 

A terrible breakup sent me running to Bali for sunshine and freedom. 

And wouldn’t you know it? My handsome bad boy was there too. 

I’m not falling for him again, nor am I telling him about our kiddo. 

I built a life without him, a crappy one, but still…

Our secret love affair will stay just that–secret.

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance