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FREE & BARGAIN EBOOKS – {06-10-2021}

Bad Boy Billionaire by Natasha Stories

Bad Boy Billionaireby Natasha Stories


Available through June 10 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Sometimes it’s hard to keep a low profile as a woman in a casino.

I was minding my own business, using my skill to win enough money at the blackjack tables to pay off my student debt, when I noticed someone else was minding my business, too.

He was hot, he looked ultra-rich, and he had no reason to notice me. So why was he stalking me from table to table? I thought I might be in trouble for winning too much.

I had no idea how sexy the trouble would turn out to be.

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance

Denying the Devil (Masterson County Book 4) by Calle J. Brookes

Denying the Devil (Masterson County Book 4)by Calle J. Brookes


Available through June 10 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Keep your family close, but your enemy closer.

Everyone expects her to fall for him.

Perci Tyler isn’t having any part of it.

Her three sisters had fallen–hard–for his brothers. But that doesn’t mean Perci is going to follow the same path with her irritating, arrogant, jerk of a boss, Dr. Nathaniel Masterson.

It just isn’t going to happen. She and Nate despise one another–why change something if it works?

But when circumstances force them closer together than ever, all the fight between them changes–shifting into something Perci can’t define. It terrifies her.

Now she has no idea what she’s going to do with the devil in the center of her world.

He wants her–and has from the first moment they met…

Everyone knows it.

His brothers, her sisters–the entire town of Masterson, Wyoming. Nate certainly knows it.

Perci is the only one who doesn’t know just exactly how he feels.

She’s made him ache for her–from the very beginning. Now, it was long past time he gave in to the temptation she presents…

Before the threat stalking them both ends any chance they have at forever.

Show Me More:Western Romance

Perfectly Ruined by Emily Jane Trent

Perfectly Ruinedby Emily Jane Trent


Available through June 11 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Karina Vezzoni is about to marry a man she doesn’t love.

Caught in a web of lies and deceit, true love is something Karina cannot trust. But she may have to trust Nic. With everything she cares about at risk, she might have no choice. Passion explodes, and the forbidden love affair may ruin Karina’s future. Can Nic uncover the evil plot in time?

“The heat of their relationship couldn’t be denied or ignored. Karina had no idea what to do about it, and wondered if Nic did either. Taboo or not, their intimacy had blossomed and she wanted to be with him. More than she cared to admit. That was the truth. Her feelings seemed to rise up and swamp all good judgment. And she feared it would end badly.”

You’ll be swept up in this roller-coaster relationship and carried away to Tuscany for a suspense-filled love story!

Show Me More:Romantic Suspense

She's Mine Now by Weston Parker

She's Mine Nowby Weston Parker


Available through June 11 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


He’s known as Doctor Sexy. Great. Just what I need.

As a single mom, I’m concerned about my little girl and rebuilding my life.

My ex is a piece of work, and I ain’t talking about art. I’ve sworn off men for forever, even while facing the wedding fever that’s spilling over from my best friend’s wedding.

But there’s something about the doc. He’s way more than he appears to be.

And he cares about his patients and his staff.

*Eye roll* Nope. Seriously.

He’s a billionaire from some invention, but he’s not interested in sipping drinks on a beach.

He’s fully dedicated to saving lives and helping people.

At least that’s the story on the street. I

‘m just working hard not to fall for his good looks or wicked smile.

Surprisingly, the sparks between us could light up a New Year’s skyline.

Against my better judgment, I find myself loving his attention.

My ex, however, does not.

When blows come to blows, my hot doc isn’t backing down.

He’s got one message for my past mistake–she’s mine now.

Yes. Yes, I am.

Every good girl deserves a bad boy. ~ Weston

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance

Shh... I'll Be Your Hero (Small Town Romances) by Annie J. Rose

Shh… I'll Be Your Hero (Small Town Romances)by Annie J. Rose


Available through June 10 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


I don’t need any distractions.
I have a business to save.

Too bad this distraction is over six feet tall with muscles and tattoos.
He has hero swagger, moving here from the LA fire department.
A big city attitude, enough charm and sex appeal to start a stampede of single chicks.
Next thing I know, it’s like my panties burst into flames.

He’s cocky and sexy, irresistible.
I’m so tied up in knots over Austin.
That the accidents seem to come out of nowhere.
Things go wrong at the shop, over and over.
And he’s my savior, time and time again.

Pretty soon, sparks fly between me and the hottest firefighter on the planet.
And even an independent woman needs a hero.
When things get too hot to handle.

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance

Bad For You by Weston Parker

Bad For Youby Weston Parker


Available through June 10 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


His mother hates me with a passion. No peasant for her perfect son.

She made sure to boot me out of his life when we were in high school and falling quickly in love.

So I did what any respectable girl would do–I broke his heart and let him leave.

Now the handsome billionaire is all grown up and back in our hometown where I never left.

Seems the military did some good with him. He’s a hotshot pilot with a playboy attitude to boot.

Being the heir to the most revered aviation company in the world doesn’t hurt either.

However, he’s very different when it comes to me.

That same flame that burned bright when we were kids is there, scorching me all over again.

And he’s one of the good ones. He’s helping raise money for the local school I teach at.

Unfortunately, my current boyfriend is the principal at the school–my boss.

I can’t seem to shake my first love no matter how hard I try.

But I need to. His mother was right–I’m bad for him.

Every good girl deserves a bad boy. ~ Weston

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance