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FREE & BARGAIN EBOOKS – {05-12-2022}

 Going Sasquatch (Finnegan & Morrow Book 1)  by Jess Whitecroft

Going Sasquatch (Finnegan & Morrow Book 1) by Jess Whitecroft


Available through May 12 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Lovestruck lapdogs, lazy Instagrammers and calcium deposits in the pool – Hollywood personal trainer Sean ‘Finn’ Finnegan is having one hell of a week, not helped when the much-feared agent Angie Lorde calls to demand if he knows why her hottest property – winsome superhero star Chase Morrow – has suddenly ‘gone sasquatch’ and apparently disappeared off the face of the earth.

Out of concern (and maybe a little unrequited love, let’s be honest) Finn goes searching for Chase, but this leads to a day so bad that when he does catch up with his crush, they both agree that the best solution to their very Hollywood problems would be to take off, head up into the Bigfoot country of Northern California and – like America’s favorite cryptid – pretend not to exist for a while.

When Finn and Chase discover that their long held attraction is entirely mutual, they also discover that going off the grid is not that easy in the 21st century. Especially if you’re an A-lister.

Show Me More:Romantic Comedy

 The Harder They Fall  by Trish Jensen

The Harder They Fall by Trish Jensen


Available through May 12 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


“I laughed so hard I fell off the couch . . . . Don’t read this book while eating or drinking, you might snarf something down the wrong way and hurt yourself. . . . on behalf of all fans of screwball comedies, I’d like to thank you Trish. More, please.” – All About Romance

Food fight, love match, or both? She’s a lovable klutz trying to save her family’s restaurant chain. He’s a stuffed shirt angling to buy it. Who will trip up and fall in love first?

Darcy Welham’s dad is ready to sell his five-star restaurants and retire, but she’s determined to prove she can be trusted to keep the family business going. Darcy’s sure it’s what her mother would have wanted. Only one problem: her life turns into a comedy show when she’s nervous. Pratfalls, spills, slips and fires—all in a day’s misadventures for Darcy. She can’t even wait on tables without dumping food into the customers’ laps. When supper lands on a sensitive area of businessman Michael Davidson’s finely creased trousers, he tries to have his gorgeous but careless waitress fired, only to discover that she’s the person he has to win over if he wants to buy the restaurant chain for his bosses. From that antagonistic start, Darcy and Michael soon find that there’s more to each other than first expected. She’s clumsy because she’s got low self-esteem. She may be a disaster as a waitress, but she’s a genius as a cook, with a talent for creating mouth-watering new dishes. Darcy begins to realize that Michael is not a stuffed shirt at heart—he’s patient, strong and brave, which any man who dates Darcy has to be, because she turns into a Danger Zone every time he makes her heart flutter.

Show Me More:Romantic Comedy

G is for Gerry by Natasha L. Black

G is for Gerryby Natasha L. Black


Available through May 13 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


I was leaving the diner when
Trouble fell right into my arms.

I should stay away from her, but I’m drawn to her.
A bad accident cost her a leg and her college career.
She’s independent and fierce and doesn’t want my help

Our first kiss at the bonfire was incredible.
The connection between us proves this is no fling
This chemistry, this intimacy — irresistible.

A setback in her recovery
Makes me determined to protect her, to let her know
She’s the only woman I want.

Show Me More:Contemporary Romance

The Fury of a Storme by Sandra Sookoo

The Fury of a Stormeby Sandra Sookoo


Available through May 12 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Not all storms cause destruction and chaos. Some make new paths and bring clarity. The difference is found within.

The Honorable Caroline Storme has been furious with life since she was twelve. Sent to an asylum due to a suspected mental deficiency, she has finally returned to London, not with vengeance in mind but freedom. Wanting nothing more than to pursue her passions in peace, she vows to ignore everyone around her, until she meets the one man who understands her… a big, barrel-chested sailor with tattoos and a devastating grin.

Mr. John Butler is in London to reconnect with his drunken, baron father before the man pickles himself. The family holdings are deeply in debt and decay, but he doesn’t care about them. Sailing holds his heart as well as his easy, carefree existence in Ipswich. That is until he runs into a woman in Hyde Park. There’s a quiet strength about her but also a banked fury that stokes his own… a woman with stormy eyes and a mouth that’s begging to be kissed.

When London proves too much for them both, John is quick to offer a solution: a marriage of convenience despite vehement protests from the Storme clan. It will give her freedom as well as settling his future.

But his blackguard of a father threatens the hasty union that is suddenly filled with affection and primal desire, the sacrifices offered might be too high for either of them to pay once love is involved.

The Storme Brothers
The Soul of a Storme
The Heart of a Storme
The Look of a Storme
The Sting of a Storme
The Touch of a Storme
The Fury of a Storme

Show Me More:Historical Romance