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An Immoral Marriage Contract: Can your fate be signed away or is it your own? by Sean Dalton


Sara had always been accustomed to solitude. Being the daughter of a prominent politician had its downsides, and one of them was isolation. Her school years were marked by lonely lunchtimes and evenings spent buried in books, while her peers enjoyed the camaraderie of youth. She expected university to be no different. Her plan was simple: keep her head down, study hard, and avoid unnecessary attention.

But as she started university life, something changed. Sam, the enigmatic and rebellious student who seemed to effortlessly draw a crowd wherever he went, surprised her with an unexpected proposition to pair up for the semester-long project. She was taken aback, not only by his request but by the undeniable spark she felt when their eyes met.

Underneath that rebellious exterior, she discovers a shy and lonely soul. Late-night study sessions turned into deep conversations, and Sara found herself falling for him in ways she never imagined possible.

As Sara got to know Sam, she discovered some strange behaviour from him, behaviour that terrified her, that almost felt evil. Then there was her parent’s strange attitude towards him like they were afraid of him.

As her relationship with Sam progresses, it all becomes clear as truth of the pact her parents made before she was born that would decide her future comes to light.. Determined to reclaim her life, Sara confronts her parents, demanding the truth and asserting her right to make her own choices.

Can Sara take control of her fate and future or was it been immorally signed away before she was born?

Genre: Romance
Deal End Date: 2024-06-15