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Mia has perfected the art of appearing unshakable, but beneath her poised exterior, her soul bears the weight of a past riddled with heartbreak. Haunted by memories that have left her wary and guarded, Mia believes she’s too damaged to ever find true connection—especially with men.

But just when Mia’s world seems locked in perpetual solitude, a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger ignites a spark she thought long extinguished. As she grapples with her darkest fears, the possibility of love shines through the cracks in her carefully constructed walls. Can Mia summon the courage to break free from her past and embrace the unknown? Or will the scars of yesterday forever keep her heart captive?

Embark on a journey of love, loss, and redemption as Mia navigates the delicate balance between protecting her heart and daring to let it beat for someone else. In a tale where past and present collide, Mia must decide if she’s ready to risk everything for the chance at a future she never imagined possible.

Genre: Erotica Romance