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Failing Minds by Vinal Lang


Join a confident
but struggling woman named Jill on a dark psychological journey about love,
death, mental illness, sex, drugs, and the extremes she goes through to try and
change her life for the better. Once she gets tied to her abusive boyfriend’s
serious crimes, it’s all about covering up her past, and present at any cost.


What dark secrets
may be hiding inside a couple of ordinary people, that could take them on a
dark, twisted journey with an unbelievably shocking end?


A dangerous
mental illness? Endless, self-destructive drug abuse? Bottled up violence and
rage? Chilling personal revelations? A cold-blooded murder?


Or all of the
above, perhaps?


To the outside
world, Jill and James are the perfect couple: she’s a gorgeous curvy brunette
and he’s a blond Adonis. Inside their small apartment, it’s a different story.
Drug problems and convictions for petty crimes now mean that Jill cannot find
work except in a local bar, while James’s bipolar disorder, when left
unmedicated, leaves him too unstable to work. Jill is forced to work on
occasion at a local strip club to make ends meet and to afford the medications
that James needs to behave less like a physically abusive and violent control
freak and more like the man she loves with all her heart. When James’s paranoia
leads to his exploration of a government lab working on mind control and
thought engineering and to the murder of one of the scientists supposedly doing
the research, Jill realizes that she is permanently bound to James as an
accessory to his crimes—a modern day Bonnie to his Clyde. She must depend on
her stripper persona to get James to take his medications and remain the man
that she can love and loves her.


Failing Minds is
an edgy, gritty novel about how certain events can intertwine otherwise separate
lives. A story that shows how small decisions, that you make every day, can
affect other people’s lives in ways, that you may have never imagined. A
seductively dark ride through the lives and minds of ordinary people, being
pushed into extraordinary circumstances.


This story follows
the book Keeping Minds, with a timeline that runs parallel to that story. This
story will unmask parts of the first book in a new and intricate way, while
providing its own fascinatingly dark, suspenseful story. Please be sure to read
that book first.



What readers are


Fantastic voyage!
This was a fantastic follow up to Keeping Minds. It burrowed deeper into the
lives of the background characters and put a realistic spin on how life takes
unexpected turns.”


“I loved it… I
didn’t want to stop reading
… the suspense, especially at the end, the
bitter sad justice for one”


Great book! Picked it up last night and only put it down to sleep! About to
reopen and reread Keeping Minds again now that I’ve read this! Cannot wait for
the next one!!! Totally hooked!


Great follow
up to the first book.
You should prepare to be amazed by this great author,
once again. I can’t wait for the 3rd book in the series. Keep them coming.”


To be honest I didn’t know how Lang could top the first book, but he did! This
book is darker in content as compared to the first and it was great. The
intricacy of the relationships between the original and new characters will
keep me reading the rest of this series. I was not expecting the stories to
intertwine as they did. There are many little details that explain and expand
on the first book. I can’t wait to see what comes next!


“I thought the
first book was amazing but I absolutely LOVED this follow up book! It
brought out so much of the first story that was overlooked. It is definitely
darker but I see why it had to be. It was a very different reading experience. I
can’t wait for the next one


“I kept on
reading after Keeping minds because I had so many questions. I had heard that
this book takes place alongside Keeping minds and it is the darker side.
It was true, but there is also a light at the end of a tunnel and a story with
another young woman named Jill coming to know herself, her mind and reality.
There is parallels between both books between the characters and the minds
involved. Each has a role to play, and a lesson to learn. I can’t wait for
book 3!
This was an incredible journey and made me question my own
memories and beliefs about humanity.”



My editors’

“I was
thrilled to be able to work on this second installment. Once again, the story
was compelling, and there was never a moment where it dragged or lagged. It was
truly page-turning stuff. In addition to the plot being intriguing, the
characters were well developed, and the story had me constantly wondering what
would happen next. You have very skillfully intertwined this story with
Keeping Minds in a fresh and unexpected way. When you first mentioned
another storyline running concurrently and involving different characters, I
was skeptical about how well it would work. I am now a believer.”


As with Keeping
Minds, this book contains mature, adult content, even more than before. Please
read with the expectation of disturbingly shocking and twisted, unedited human


Book one of this
series is: Keeping Minds


Below are some
quotes from different reviewers of Keeping Minds:


“This book
doesn’t fit into any sort of conventional genre descriptions, or into a neat
little box. It is, quite frankly, unlike any other book I have ever read. I
always look for something a bit different, and this was it!”


“The book
combines the best elements of a romance story, a sex fantasy, a suspense, a
mystery, and a philosophy book…..It really is eye-opening, and completely
entertaining in how brutally honest (and non-PC) it is.”


“Keeping Minds” is the type of novel that deserves recognition for
being outside the box and wholly unique, it was well worth the read.”


“There are
erotic moments, sad moments, joyful moments and moments that pull at your
heartstrings. There is murder and mystery, suspense, romance and revelations as
we are guided through this unique and exciting story. I highly recommend this

Genre: Romance